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September 12, 2010


We will be starting our tutorials this week in class. Tutorials are scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please make sure you come prepared by having your TRF's completely filled out with TWO level two or level three questions. We will have class time on Monday to do our first one together, but after that you will be expected to complete them on your own.

We will also be adding tabs for the AVID section of our binders on Wednesday. We originally did not address it, but I have been told that we need to add them in. We will spend class time on Wednesday to complete this so that we are ready for our first binder check by tutors on Thursday. The required tabs will be as follows: binder checks, TRF's, learning logs, handouts/other, notes.

Remember, binder checks will now be every Thursday. If you use two binders, you must bring them both on Thursday. The same goes for interactive notebooks for other classes. You must bring everything to class on Thursday. If you have a teacher who will not allow you to remove it from their class, please tell me before Thursday. And remember that you need at least one set of cornell notes for each core class, regardless of if you do not take notes in class, or receive notes as a handout. If that is the case, you must make your own set of cornell notes from the information. You MUST have at least one set for math, science, social studies, and english.

Keep up the good work!